Mini Maple Pumpkin Pies

Mini Maple Pumpkin Pies

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Mini Maple Pumpkin Pies

Made With Our


Item No. 161003
Maple Pumpkin Butter



  1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
  2. Use a biscuit or cookie cutter to cut 5 inch circles from the dough. (Alternatively, you can cut circles free-hand with a knife.)
  3. Place circles into the cups of a standard muffin pan and gently press down to create mini pie crusts. Use a fork to lightly poke holes in the pie shells.
  4. Bake 5-10 minutes or until just dry and turning golden. Remove and set aside until ready to fill.
  5. Heat cream in a small, heavy saucepan. Warm thoroughly but do not simmer. Remove from heat and stir gradually into beaten eggs.
  6. Add Maple Pumpkin Butter and mix well.
  7. Pour custard into pre-baked mini pie shells. Do not fill to the very top as the custard will puff slightly.
  8. Bake approximately 15-20 minutes or until custard is set. An inserted knife or toothpick will come out clean.
  9. Cool before serving with plenty of whipped cream.