SWK Subscriptions is the most convenient way for you to get your favorite products quickly and easily on a schedule that works for you. Through our program, you can select from some of our best-selling items, choose the frequency of delivery and, best of all, save 10% on your order and get free shipping over $50! You’ll also receive an email reminder from us before we place your order that details what to expect with your next shipment.
At this time, we’ve curated a list of best-sellers for this program. (Make sure to check back, though—we’ll keep adding products as our service evolves!) Is there an item that you’d love to subscribe to and aren’t seeing? Send us a message on social media or email our Guest Services team to let us know.
We offer 1-month, 2-month and 3-month delivery options. You have the choice to select what’s best for you and you can pause, swap or cancel at any time.
Subscribing is quick and easy: it can be done while browsing a product page by selecting the "Subscribe to Save" option or during the checkout process. After your order is placed, you can log in to your account to edit the subscription as needed.
Of course! Simply log in to your account to manage your subscription. You can change your next order date, adjust the frequency, swap a product out or cancel at any time.
Although we hate to see you go, you can log in to your account to cancel your subscription at any point ahead of your next order date. We also offer the option to skip a shipment or swap products in situations where your pantry’s feeling well stocked.
Subscription products that have the same order date, shipping address, billing address and payment method will ship as one order. If you have multiple shipment dates and you want to combine them into one, select the “Change Shipment Date” option in your account and choose your preferred shipping date for each subscription. All shipping details must be the same.
From time to time, we do sell out of our most popular products. When that happens, we’ll be sure to notify you by email about the out-of-stock item as well as let you know when it’s available again. And, of course, you won’t be charged until the product is back in stock, at which point your subscription plan will continue at its normal frequency.
Currently, gift cards are not eligible for subscription service orders. However, we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
No, subscription discounts cannot be combined with other offers, rewards or promotions.
All orders under $50 will be charged a shipping fee. To save on shipping, we recommend combining multiple subscription orders into one, which can reduce the total delivery cost and help you reach our free ship minimum.
You will be charged once the order ships.
We always want you to have a great shopping experience! Our Guest Services team is happy to assist with any order issues you experience. Please email us at guestservices@stonewallkitchen.com or call us at 800.207.5267 or 800.826.1752.
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